

by 夏洛特·曼恩,25岁

同伴导师 are an important resource available to all first-year students: These upperclassmen 与敌人合作 斯克里布纳研讨会的教授 在向大学学业和生活的过渡中承担指导作用.

夏洛特·曼恩,25岁西班牙语言文学副教授 恩典伯顿《火博体育》一书的作者 音频功能. 在这篇文章中,她与同行导师讨论了这个职位的影响 莉兹·布拉克,24岁索菲亚·麦高恩和杰克逊·史密斯. “这些学生想要 world 更好的 than they found it, one Scribner 一次一次的研讨会,” Charlotte says. “火博体育 is a place full of people who want to make their community just a little 更好.”


夏洛特: 火博体育大学’s Scribner Seminar is designed to introduce first-year students to the rigor of a college class and ease 他们 into the more subtle aspects of the college 环境.  

Each seminar has its own upperclassman selected by the professor to serve as an academic 社会角色榜样. 这些同侪导师通过鼓励来支持学生向大学的过渡 新生要融入更大的社区.  

This semester, I am a peer mentor for Associate Professor of 西班牙语 Language and 格蕾丝·伯顿. 伯顿教授教授现代思想的空间,这是一个研讨会 它讨论了虚无概念的思想史. 我参加了这个研讨会 作为一名大一学生,我非常喜欢它. 我获得的视角 now, having led a group of first-years through the same seminar I took, is one I am 非常感谢.  

I wanted to hear from other peer mentors about their own experiences in this leadership role, so I interviewed some of my fellow peer mentors about their experiences and quickly discovered the people behind the success of the Scribner Seminar are kind and talented, but more importantly, they care about others and want to make sure first-year 学生成功.

莉兹: 大家好,我是Liz Bracht. 我是陈茂教授的“理想世界”研讨会的同侪导师, and last year I was a peer mentor for Professor Kate Berheide’s section of Human Dilemmas. 

索菲娅: 我是索菲娅·麦高恩. 我是大四学生,我的研讨班叫《与教授的地球挽歌 罗伯特·帕克·哈里森.

杰克逊: 我是杰克逊·史密斯. 我是大四学生,我是文学拯救世界的同伴导师 环境?迈克尔·马克思教授的研讨会.  

We help answer questions that relate to the material, but we also act as guides as the students transition into college life — telling 他们 all about resources we have, helping 他们 meet people through clubs, and organizing activities for 他们 to 更好的 相互联系. 

索菲亚: I would say it’s a little bit similar to a TA, in that we’re helping the students with whatever the material or subject is, but it's a little bit more of a sort of 哥哥姐姐角色. 稍微正式一点吧. 

夏洛特: I asked Liz, Jackson, and Sofia to reflect on their own first-year experiences. 

索菲亚: 我的第一年是COVID年,所以我们享受了在线的快乐. 

杰克逊: 我记得我的同辈导师真的很棒. 她做了她该做的一切 向我们介绍校园生活和资源. 她做了 readings, she would answer questions for us, and she even set up times to meet with 我们在课堂外确保我们在做事情. 

莉兹: 如果我有问题,她是一个非常好的人. 有些夜晚 where I was studying with people from the class for our midterm or for different things 就像这样,如果有问题我们会联系你. 她是来回答问题的 in the class because she had taken the class for her Scribner Seminar, as well as 课外的事情. 她给我们的学习带来了零食,并组织起来 我们在春天团聚. 她是一个很好的资源. 

夏洛特: I asked 他们 to reflect on how their first year impacts the way they serve as peer 我就是这样了解到这个团体有多棒的. 

索菲亚: I think since my first year was online, and I didn't have a chance to be with my peer mentor as much or connect, I really just wanted to be available or make myself available 学员须知. 即使他们不接受我,只要知道我在那里 如果他们需要帮助. 

杰克逊: When it came time for me to be a peer mentor, I thought, “Wow, all I want to do is avoid 100% of the things that I experienced” — hearing about offices, hearing about 资源,但不去追求它们. 所以,根据我作为同侪导师的经验,我想 把人们带到这些机会中,把名字和面孔联系起来.  

莉兹: 我的第一个学期很艰难. 升入大学是一个全新的环境, 新的人,新的阶级,新的结构. 我试着和 my students throughout the semester in a variety of ways, just to make sure that if things come up, I'm aware of 他们 and that I can be proactive in helping 他们 solve 任何问题. 我们有一个晚餐和其他非正式的活动——诸如此类的事情 他们 feel supported and let 他们 know that someone's invested in their time here at 火博体育

索菲亚: I think I've just tried to use what I didn't have to give 他们 what they could have, 如果这说得通的话.  

夏洛特: These are people looking to make the world 更好的 than they found it, one Scribner 一次一次的研讨会. 我知道莉兹,第二次做同侪导师,会 effort to see performances that her mentees are a part of, and Sofia spends a good chunk of her time helping her students learn the photography skills she has mastered 在火博体育的三年里.  

Jackson told me a story about his first day of leading orientation and how nervous he was to do icebreakers with this group of people he’d never met, but he remembered something that someone in our peer mentor group said during our training and found 一种与他的徒弟直接联系的方式. 

杰克逊: “你有什么奇怪的地方?? 你有什么不能跟你的 经常是朋友,即使你和他们很亲密? 你的利基兴趣是什么?” I had 他们 turn to whoever's next to 他们, talk for five minutes, and then share it 当我们回来时. 但是他们分享的是另一个人的,所以你必须 记住,你得跟上.  

我在手机上设置了五分钟的计时器,他们聊得很好. 我是如此的 惊讶. 所以,我又定了一分钟. 然后我说,再30秒. 之后, 我就想,天哪,我们得想办法摆脱这个. 所以,我告诉他们,“好吧, 我们必须停下来. 继续分享你的伴侣说了什么.“他们就是这么做的 有很多伟大的事情吗. 我们从对方身上学到了很多很酷的东西. 和 我认为这是一种推倒那堵墙的方式.  

Then I thought to myself that we had more time before we met up for the class picture 后来.  我也想去散步,但时间还很充裕 要做到这一点. 所以,我说,“哇,你们说得这么好,我都不想停下来了 你. 所以,我希望你转向你的另一面——一个新的人 一个人和一个新的事实——但我没有别的问题了.一个女孩把她养大 然后她说:“那你引以为傲的东西怎么样?我的心融化了 我说:“好吧,这是个好问题.“我又设了一个5分钟的计时器 这是向上的,他们做了同样的事情. 

莉兹: A lot of schools have first-year seminars, but I think having someone assigned to such a small group of students, especially as another student — not just a faculty advisor or something of the sort — who is able to and actually assigned to give attention and support to these students, is really wonderful, and it’s a really helpful thing.  

Maybe not every student takes full advantage of their peer mentor, but for the ones 它们就在那里,我觉得这真的很棒. 他们不需要出去 他们找对象的方式,然后可能在这个过程中感到沮丧. 我们 in class with 他们, reaching out to 他们, presenting to 他们 each week, having office 几个小时,让自己有空. 我喜欢参加他们的活动,或者,如果他们 having a problem, make a meeting time outside of that and just stay connected with 他们. 火博体育给第一年的学生提供了一个非常好的角色 students, and if 你 get to extend that connection beyond 你r first year, I think 你更幸运.  

夏洛特: When first-year students can not only go to an upperclassman either for academic or social advice but for anything under the sun, they begin to realize that 火博体育 is a place full of people who only want to make their community just a little bit 更好的.